Q-Sun Xe-1 Series Xenon Test Chamber The Q-Sun is a full sun UV spectrum test chamber. This is an economical, single lamp, bench-top model, with full capabilities. Its small scale is perfect for a lab that has a limited budget or only an occasional testing need; nevertheless the tester is designed for 24/7 operation and can be used in small factories ... more
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Telp: +62 (21) 581 8000, 581 9000
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E-mail: |
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Technical Service Department | service@prolabmas.co.id |
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Wet Film Thickness Wheel An accurate gauge to check the wet film thickness of a paint film on
application.This is a simple instrument which performs a very important job. The
thickness of any paint film is a critical factor affecting the eventual
performance of the finished scheme and must be carefully controlled. Too little
paint will result ... more